I did get your package. My new companion actually took Japanese for a year in high school so he knows how to read a bit and write a little.
This has been a good week. I was sad because Elder Bouchillon left and he is one of my favorite companions. Transfers were last Tuesday and I stayed in Country Crossing Stake and Mitas Creek Stake and I left Parkway Stake which is where Debbie lives so I don't know how she is doing and Elder Schunk came in and is my new companion. He is from Kansas...poor guy ;) Elder Schunk and I are doing great so far. In studies we've been reading and role-playing the first couple lessons and we've been working on b.c.s ing the restoration and plan of salvation so we can teach it in an o.y.m. We had been stopping potentials everywhere and we weren't finding anyone home. Mostly the same thing that happened last transfer and I was sick of that so Elder Schunk and I decided we had been blessed with appartments so tracking time she came! We figured at least if most people weren't home we would still be able to find a couple people home and we would have plenty of opprotunity to open our mouths to people we saw walking to their car. As we tracted, we had the opprotunity to meet at least nine members/family and invited them to pray for a missionary opprotunity and to hand out at least one Book of Mormon this week. They all said yes so we are going back next Saturday to follow up. We also tracted into a non-member who is living with his girlfriend and as we got talking we found he hasn't gone to church in the last month so we testified of a couple things and invited him to make church a goal for this next week and we also asked if we could come by and share a brief message with them and he said yes! So we get to go by this Tuesday at 6:30! I love that miracle because we knocked so many doors before we were able to talk to him and literally right before we knocked on his door I was thinking," this is going nowhere, we are just waisting time" then I thought," if we stop now and do something else we might not find the one we need to find" so we kept going and that's when we found him!
Love ya mom!
Elder Kremer
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