Monday, February 29, 2016

Mission XP - 29 February 2016. Leap Day

I did get your package. My new companion actually took Japanese for a year in high school so he knows how to read a bit and write a little. This has been a good week. I was sad because Elder Bouchillon left and he is one of my favorite companions. Transfers were last Tuesday and I stayed in Country Crossing Stake and Mitas Creek Stake and I left Parkway Stake which is where Debbie lives so I don't know how she is doing and Elder Schunk came in and is my new companion. He is from Kansas...poor guy ;) Elder Schunk and I are doing great so far. In studies we've been reading and role-playing the first couple lessons and we've been working on b.c.s ing the restoration and plan of salvation so we can teach it in an o.y.m. We had been stopping potentials everywhere and we weren't finding anyone home. Mostly the same thing that happened last transfer and I was sick of that so Elder Schunk and I decided we had been blessed with appartments so tracking time she came! We figured at least if most people weren't home we would still be able to find a couple people home and we would have plenty of opprotunity to open our mouths to people we saw walking to their car. As we tracted, we had the opprotunity to meet at least nine members/family and invited them to pray for a missionary opprotunity and to hand out at least one Book of Mormon this week. They all said yes so we are going back next Saturday to follow up. We also tracted into a non-member who is living with his girlfriend and as we got talking we found he hasn't gone to church in the last month so we testified of a couple things and invited him to make church a goal for this next week and we also asked if we could come by and share a brief message with them and he said yes! So we get to go by this Tuesday at 6:30! I love that miracle because we knocked so many doors before we were able to talk to him and literally right before we knocked on his door I was thinking," this is going nowhere, we are just waisting time" then I thought," if we stop now and do something else we might not find the one we need to find" so we kept going and that's when we found him!

Love ya mom!

Elder Kremer
((^~^)/) >

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Mission XP - 22 February 2016

Elder Bouchillon and I had a great week! We had the most spiritually guided teaching and learning expiriences with one of our new investigators on Tuesday. Debbi (new investigator) met with us Tuesday and I wont go into the whole lesson even though id love to but everything that Elder Bouchillon, Elder and Sister Smurthwaite, and I were saying was guided specifically for debbie. I invited her to be baptized after Elder Bouchillon guided her through 60 seconds of reflection but she said no. So I expained goals and working for things and that heavenly father see's her potential. She still said no and later the Smuthwaites found out that she is drinking constantly and that she has struggled with law of chastity so we feel thats why she was so firm with no. However, the spirit prompted me to invite her to pray every day about a day she can set for herself as a goal to be prepared for baptism. I also got to whitness the beautiful sealing of Lauren and Eric Shelline yesterday. Elder Scarlett and I taught them and helped baptize her and re-activate him and she is on fire. She has been doing so much family history and seeing many miracles from it.

Elder Kremer

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Mission XP - 15 February 2016

 This week was such an amazing week. We saw quite a few miracles. On Wednesday during exchanges, Elder Bouchillon recieved a referral for our area from someone who wanted to be taught. She pretty much set the lesson up and said she'd be at her friends house. So Wednesday night we taught her and it was so awesome! We prayed, I did 60 seconds of power, taught up to Christ's earthly ministry and atonement, then Elder Bouchillon did 60 seconds of reflection and invited her to be baptized and she said yes! To March 6th! We taught her three times last week. She is amazing! And Friday we taught Matt, who we talked about last week in our miracles, he's got a bit more work but he said that the message we shared was powerful and he agrees with most of it. We invited him to read and pray about the book of mormon and he said yes then we invited him to be baptized and he said hed have to read and pray first. Then last night as we were waiting for our other investigator to get home we prayed about were we should go and we remembered a referral we had recieved yesterday morning, so we went by and found that it was an active family but one of their brothers was with them and he was less active but had gone to church with his mother yesterday and that had been the first time in a long time. At first he didn't want to be part of the lesson, he had just gotten home, but we didn't leave, instead we shared DAILY BREAD with the rest of the family and he sat in on most of it and then he had some great comments on the importance of sacrament and praying and it was just amazing. He wants us to come back too! Soo wow! So many spectacular opportunities!
 Elder Bouchillon and I are doing great! We have been working hard and achieving the goals we set as a companionship this week to improve ourselves and stay focused on our finding ideas. We are getting really excited to because even though we will be passing Melissa and Matt off the the mid singles Elders Heavenly Father gave us the opprotunity to find and teach this week and that is what we have been longing to do for five weeks! 
 I was studying a lot on how to use time wisely in preach my gospel and how to better work with ward council members and so Elder Bouchillon and I are going to take so time to stop by a couple ward council members this week and share brief powerful messages with them to uplift and motivate them.
Love ya mom!

Elder Kremer 


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Mission XP - 8 February - last week and this week

Hey mom! 

Last week was so good. We went by so many potential investigators and
referrals and we are doing almost everything we can but very few people
have been home so we've only contacted a couple. We are going to do continuous planning this week to help us with that problem and really apply "finding the one" this week. We know that we are going to find the people that we are here to find this week . . . or at least it will be the beginning of it.
Last Sunday we witnessed the miracle of true desire, faith, repentance. Nikki, our investigator in the Country Crossing stake is preparing to be baptized on February 6th. Her faith hasn't wavered once. She is getting baptized. She cut back from 15 cigarettes to 3 cigarettes in one day and today only one. We got her cinnamon jolly ranchers and gum to help them. 

Elder Bouchilon  and I have been progressively figuring out how to be effective in three stakes and we have gone through a week and a half of trial and error but we feel really good about the revelation that we're receiving.

This week was also so good! After we had our interviews Elder Bouchilon and I repented and the next day we saw the coolest miracle come from obedience and trust. About two nights ago we were trying to contact a referral that we had recieved for Tom. Now I had put Tom in the area book plans for last Friday about two weeks ago. I can't remember why I just got this impression to. Well, at first we couldn't find were he lived. On our maps it had a similar street but not the exact one we were looking for so we went to that street and looked for the address. Eventually we found the house with the correct address and realized we had walked onto the right street, so we knocked on the door. Tom wasn't there but his friend who was visiting was. We talked to him and found out he was a less active member and he had several questions. Elder Bouchilon  asked him what one of them was. He gave a really good question and Elder Bouchilon answered splendidly. Right,
and I mean exactly when we finished talking to him, a lady came around the corner. So, naturally, we talked to her. We found out that she was visiting her friend also. When we asked her if she knew anyone she said no. So then we asked if she knew anyone who would know anyone that we could share a message with and she pointed at a house on the corner and said their were some people there that should know people. So we knocked and there were to sisters there who we found were going to Y.S.A.  and one of their boyfriends were there. As we talked we asked if they knew any non members that we could share our message with. They both immediately pointed at the guy there. He was studying for his L.S.A.T. but we set up an appointment with him this friday!

Love you

Elder Kremer