I think it is super cool that you guys had a hang out day with the seminary kids. I wish we could have done that. That would have been awesome. I'm glad to hear the training with Jazz is going so well.
Airborne is a trampoline place...with a lot of trampolines and foam pits you jump or fall into and it has this one area in the back that is an agility coarse like the next American ninja. It has a series of obstacles and it's actually quite difficult to pass. It goes monkey bars(easy) rock wall that you climb across(kind of like bouldering) then a rope you have to run/walk with balance across(that is honestly the only hard part for me for some reason I'm scared when I do it but I've done it three times now but I always jump when I get half way, after that you have to use bob hands and feet to climb across a wall and a plastic wall(it's very sweaty and you can't just get set up and walk through or you'll slip I finally just said screw it and as a last attempt I ran and jumped to one wall and I was going to jump from wall to wall but once I was up I just stayed because I was using enough force, next there is a wall ramp which you run on the wall and you have to grab a rope hanging from the ceiling swing to the next floor and let go before you swing back to the ramp. Then there is a arm killer, you have to climb up a short rope and grap onto a ledge made of wood with your fingers, and it's tilted up when you get across the first one you have to grab yet another one which is a little higher, so your worn out just hanging there and now your supposed to somehow pull yourself up more. Once you get across that you have to run and jump off a small trampoline and grap a net in midair then climb upside down across the net to the end, drop down onto he floor then run up a very high ramp than is straight up with no slope grab the top with your finger tips then pull your self up and your done. Phew, I'm worn out from just explaining it. Anyway I love you mom have a fun week!
I loved reading this. I was worn out by the time I finished though. I love my Elder Kristofer Kremer
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